Living - and already savoring - the Adventures across the backroads of western Idaho and eastern Oregon!

30 November 2010


I’d like to leave you today with an excerpt of some ‘love and light’ shared by a true Warrior, Seeker and Guide in my life’s orbit – Mizz J. Ponder her words, ones that speak to me like spiritual guideposts:

“Appreciated your [blog] entry as I am seeking, learning and attempting to walk with empowerment and light today/everyday. I continue my studies of personal spiritual alchemy with a toss salad of Shamanism dressing and a side of hardy Native American traditions...(The Medicine Wheel and The Tree of Life are just two examples of my new teachings...fantastic fun) I am practicing good magic and finding my recipe (ingredients) to life. It's still a lot chunky. (I continue to add too much salt (thinking & tears) sometimes...)

I have a "hot date" with Buddha over Thanksgiving 2010 @
http://www.shambhalamountain.org/stupa.html. I am jazzed to participate in a 4-day spiritual retreat. Pure intentions of fine tuning my yoga stances, meditation methods, avoiding traditional programming and all people I know. Sinking into deeper authentic self...I continue to stumble through the path of purpose and my reasonable happy.“

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