Living - and already savoring - the Adventures across the backroads of western Idaho and eastern Oregon!

05 April 2010

Tie-dye along the Highway

Who ever made the little people who design neckties the arbiters of good fashion sense? I don't care, they're Heroes to me. As a guy, I know that I'm fine if my tie pulls together seemingly mismatched clothes. Good thing I have such faith in these ties. I mean, what do you do if something doesn't work and people snicker at you? Burn the tie? Thank God something in life is simple to do. Now, if I could get all dress shirts to iron themselves...

01 April 2010

All for a Penny

Can you believe the esteemed/vaunted US Post Office will discard a postcard that lacks but a single cent of postage? That they refuse to put stamp machines in DC post offices because that would drop biz at the counter and reduce labor needs? Is this an operation for efficiency or a social subsidy? And how many postcards of mine got torpedoed in years past due to this silly rule? I really like and respect my carrier, but 5 days-a-week can't come too soon and maybe will prompt some overhaul of this kind of self-defeating behavior. Where's Kevin Costner when we need him?!