Living - and already savoring - the Adventures across the backroads of western Idaho and eastern Oregon!

09 February 2011

Star Date 2525.345.22: Self-reflections validated … I have become an Emoticon

I ‘wonder’ –and have I worn that word out yet? – and ponder/reflect/surmise and otherwise tumble about the idea that we’re in some larger conversation. It’s not an especially new glimmer of insight, and it’s not like I’m so Poet Savant who can give you endless hope atop the heartless undercurrents of our 21st century lives.

No, it’s much simpler than that. We’re lucky to be daisy-chained to one another in our busy lives, so how do we tie that conversation together, preferably this side of the Great Divide? I’d like to make some sense out of the insights I feel we all have.

I guess I ought to go to church Sunday and take this up with Someone greater than me. I’ll get back to you if the answers hit me like a 2-by-4 with new revelations. Otherwise, the TMM blog will continue to be a whimsical wandering with no particular destination but maybe gradually more clarity into our human condition.

My filter is kind of coarse so maybe that’s why I get overwhelmed – people fascinate me. So, if unlike me you’re bored and have too much time on your hands, how do you keep up with the hundreds of folks who matter in your World?

Today’s Follow-up … from Robin W. on Jan. 18th’s post: Double Agent of the Abwehr

You should read Dietrich Bonhoeffer's "Letters from Prison". It's a collection of letters written between Dietrich, his family, and a few close friends. Very enlightening. It was the book of choice for my Sunday school class a few years ago. We followed that by reading Spong, then "The Shack", and now we are on to Thomas Moore's "The Care of the Soul." Good stuff!

1 comment:

Editor said...

Maybe you could blog about your reactions to Thomas Moore's Care of the Soul in future posts. I'd enjoy reading them. If your readers are interested in Moore's work, they are invited to visit a blog, Barque, dedicated to him at http://barque.blogspot.com. It links to online references about Moore's current pursuits.