Living - and already savoring - the Adventures across the backroads of western Idaho and eastern Oregon!

07 April 2011

Of Friends and Friendship

I’m sad about a friend who’s just been diagnosed with cancer. With God’s love, and our prayers, we can hope for the best, as is my nature. Life seems to be an uneven never-ending continuum of joy-to-despair, so we should try to handle this too ‘in stride’ since it’s our reality.

I dedicate this moment to her and wish for the best. She is with a Good Man, one of the best I’ve ever known, so my sadness is tempered knowing he, the positive thinker, will be there for her. That we each could be touched by such compassion, faith and hope everlasting. So, I encourage each of you today to reach out to someone in need and be there for them...

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