Living - and already savoring - the Adventures across the backroads of western Idaho and eastern Oregon!

05 October 2009

Kickstarting the Second Half

Reading a great book - a truly Great Book - called Halftime, by Bob Buford. Bob bascially brings Christianity into action, and Peter Drucker's management concepts into being, but asking older folks like me - yeah, 46 is near the crypt - to ask the enigmatic, "How do I give back to the world more than was given me?"

Using his halftime analogy, I'm either a late bloomer, late reader of this paperback or not making it until 92. Fine by me since 92 years on this planet is a bit too much for my liking. I guess the second option is the answer since I left my 'comfort zone' many years ago, in 1998 as LA dimmed in the rearview mirror on our way to the Big Sky country of Montana. Bob cautions us that there's a risk factor in tossing aside the hard-earned security blanket of our daily routines and paradigms of what we think is to come. Heck, you're actually losing (willingly, he hopes) control of your life. And that's a good thing if you're a Christian, though sometimes confusing.

If I've picqued your interest early this AM, good for me. Then proceed to mull over these questions today: What is my truest purpose? My life work? My destiny? Remember - our children grow to leave the home, so your answers should span beyond that part of happiness.

Think, reflect, ponder and grow. And buy that book! I can't wait to read more of it.

1 comment:

Arkansawyer said...

If you've finished Halftime, I might quite enjoy borrowing it!