Living - and already savoring - the Adventures across the backroads of western Idaho and eastern Oregon!

04 February 2009

A Month of Mondays

AUGH! Monday just bit me in the ass. I typed two paragraphs of silly crap and got a technical error message afterward that WIPED OUT the entire posting. Take 2:

Ever have a Monday that leaves you wondering why you got out of bed? Sure you did. I was near a woman on subway who passed out and was caught by guy next to me before her head got bashed open; shame is, she remained unconscious and will never meet this guy. Then I get to work and the office's cipher locks were malfunctioning; it promptly became a good day for a breakfast out! Breakfast burrito day. Hallelujuah! And yummy.

There you have my silly posting for the day. Time for us all to move on, move along and get 'er done!

1 comment:

Arkansawyer said...

At least there's a new breeze blowing in Washington... :)